So this past week at Uni has been the Animex Festival, and for the first time since I have been at Uni I decided to pay up and go, and I have to say boy am I glad I did! I found the whole week to be a really enjoyable experience, where by i actuly learnt alot more than I previously thought I would... I dont think I have ever spent so much time sat in a lecture thearte before!!
The best part of this week for me though was having a master class workshop with Eric Goldberg, a legendary Disney animator behind some of the best and my favourite films including the Genie from 'Aladdin', Phil from 'Hercules', the Carnival of the Animals in'Fantasia and more recently Louis from 'The Princess and the Frog'
Eric gave me some invaluble adivce and skills which I have already started putting into practise and will try and use from now on in every thing I do! : )