Friday, 1 April 2011

Final Term!

This is it! The last few weeks of my entire Uni career are upon me and boy do I have a lot to do...

With my final project being granted an extension I now have all four dead lines close together (two are on the same day!) and with probably an equal amount of work to do on each module some thing tells me there are going to be a few sleepless nights ahead!!

So, time to crack open a can of Relentless and see how things go... 

Wish me luck!

Thursday, 31 March 2011


So this coming Wednesday the school of computing is hosting an event called EXPOTEES. This is an event where students can show case thier work whilst businesses walk around and check it all out.

Now I was one of the lucky ones who managed to get a place in this event and was very excited... Up untill the point when I realised that my final piece wouldn't be ready in time due to the fact I got an extention! So now I just feel a little embarrassed that I will be surrounded by completed project and there I will be, with some work in progress and previous years work which could definatly do with some touching up!!

Is this silly of me to think like this??

Guess I will have to just see how it goes...

Monday, 14 February 2011


So this past week at Uni has been the Animex Festival, and for the first time since I have been at Uni I decided to pay up and go, and I have to say boy am I glad I did! I found the whole week to be a really enjoyable experience, where by i actuly learnt alot more than I previously thought I would... I dont think I have ever spent so much time sat in a lecture thearte before!!

The best part of this week for me though was having a master class workshop with Eric Goldberg, a legendary Disney animator behind some of the best and my favourite films including the Genie from 'Aladdin', Phil from 'Hercules', the Carnival of the Animals in'Fantasia and more recently Louis from 'The Princess and the Frog'

Eric gave me some invaluble adivce and skills which I have already started putting into practise and will try and use from now on in every thing I do! : )

Saturday, 29 January 2011

Second Term

So it's about 4 weeks into my second term now and I feel like I can almost see those deadline dates at my door!  I am glad to say I feel pretty on top of all my work even if I am a few weeks behind schedule thanks to a broken finger and an operation to have pins put in... Fingers crossed (excuse the pun there) that I get my extentions though and can get going again!